Tales from the Diary ( Chapter One)

 Chasing Sunlight: A Ride Through Fate

The metro train I traveled was propelling hastily. The aurora of sunbeam sneaked in through the window pane. The light shades depicted abstract art in the metal walls of the coach like a brush stroke with lazy elegance. The faces of people inside the coach exhibited an array of emotional concoctions.  I have seen a woman holding her son firmly like a sea clutching pearls and treasure in her depths.

Her struggles for a livelihood continued even on a quiet Sunday morning. They came from a remote village, unfamiliar with the ways of the bustling city. She was unaware of the city's procedural trickery. Dressed in worn, simple clothes, she looked like a wanderer who had strayed into the heart of a modern world. She had broken the rules of her traditional life for her son. A street vendor by trade, she carried a bag of raw ingredients for the small business that supported them.

Her son was visibly anxious, unnerved by the new faces and the unfamiliarity of the urban landscape. The stylishly dressed people increased their conscience. His mother, however, knew she needed to remain strong. The sunlight streamed through the window and fell across her face, creating vibrant hues that reflected her inner struggle. The passengers’ conversations in foreign tongues created a hum of unfamiliar sounds, further adding to the boy’s unease. The air conditioning in the metro was icy cold. But the sunlight entered through the thickened fiberglass creating a balanced temperature.

 Her son eventually drifted off to sleep, but she stayed alert, her face etched with concern. Her hand reached for the bag of raw materials, her lifeline. As her fingers tightened around it, she felt a surge of confidence. She held the bag tight with the other hand. The chill disappeared and an unexplainable peace filled her face. A smile slowly appeared on her face. A smile that hinted at hope, strength, and resilience. It was the kind of smile that had the power to change her life and perhaps her son’s too. A smile that symbolized a quiet but determined fight against fate. The sunlight continued to cast its hues on the passengers' faces, hoping to inspire the same smile on theirs. They may be fighting unknown combats, who knows?...

My tense thoughts and grim expression transformed into a vibrant tale, painted by the Sun's rainbow hues, leaving a peaceful smile on my face. The sun shone brightly as the train surged forward, galloping like a horse, racing toward its destiny.



  1. Beautiful ... 🌹
    Words work as the lens of a camera to draw even the minute changes of a struggling mother's expressions.

  2. Thank you so much for the observations..


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